Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

Mom, I Love U

Mom or Mother is a gorgeous word, it has the magic effect, thus, whwn we feel sad and our heart ishurt we always call "mom". It cause mom is everything for us, mom is female celestial being of exceeding beauty, her gaze is like the light of heart.

A poem of Mom
There is narrow river in your cheek,
The sea has a laugh in your face
Tears and smile by colour line
between happiness and heartbreak

Across the stony ridges...
Across the sand of sacrifice
you are like my soul...

Thank's God that You give us mother who care and love us without axpect a reward, so as the children we have to make her happy and don't miss to say "Happy Mother Day"

(Buletin LDK Ummul Fikroh, Edisi hari Ibu)